Leaving Work At Work


Early in my career I didn't have a mental OFF button. I often thought about what was happening at work well after my workday was done. My crazy workday was regularly the topic of my dinner conversation with my husband (and family dinner time). My kids could tell you the names of some of my co-workers and was one of my biggest clues that I needed to a better job of leaving work at work.

Physically, I also didn't have good boundaries with work especially with emails and regularly working in the evening.

Logically we know this isn't ideal - sure it's normal & typical for someone committed to her career (aka who cares & gives it her best) - but I want to live a life I love and enjoy this crazy journey called life.

Over the past 15+years of working, I found there's hope! Leaving work at work - both physically and mentally CAN be learned. And it's one of the best skills I learned as a professional, especially since becoming a mom.

This week on the Happy Working Woman Podcast hear about:

  • The importance of training other people on how accessible you are (and are not)

  • Match your responsiveness with the real level of urgency

  • Why emotional detachment is a practice and skill

  • How talking about your workday to your spouse can be helpful AND be hurtful to leaving work at work

  • Mastering the professional skill of detachment

  • Being truly PRESENT at home and with those you love is gold and worth the work of developing the skills of leaving work at work

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