Is It Worth-It Fitness Equipment Wish-List


I put up the Christmas tree last week. Our tree decorating tradition goes like this…

I inform my husband Tim “it’s happening” this weekend. Would he PLEASE haul out our artificial tree and the totes of decorations from the cold cellar plus assemble the tree on Sunday? Pretty please?

He reminds me he does NOT like the tree decorating process (in case I forgot from the past 15th years) and ends his commentary with “Sure love.”

I amp-up the kids alllll week. “We’re putting up the tree this weekend!” I say to their delighted reactions. My 6-year-old daughter Faith asks each morning “Do we set up the tree today?” because what 6-year-old can remember the days of the week anyway.

The weekend arrives and Tim hauls out and sets-up our artificial tree. My in-laws arrive and I put on a Christmas playlist from Spotify. Gotta set the mood ;)

With Michael Buble and Mariah Carey in the background, my husband takes his customary spot lying on the couch and the rest of us start to decorate the tree.

The kids eagerly dive into the tote of “special” ornaments which hold homemade crafted treasures, favorite Disney characters and their faces inside small hanging photo frames. Grandpa Randy reaches the top of the tree, Faith clusters ornaments in one spot and Curtis my 10-year-old takes joy in seeing a decade of his childhood memories unfold before his eyes.

This year my in-laws brought their gifts to place under our tree as we’re unsure if COVID restrictions will prevent us from seeing them on Christmas Day. Those wrapped gifts under the tree REALLY got my kids excited! (“Can we pullllleeese open them now, Mom?”)

I’m curious, what would get YOU REALLY EXCITED to have under your tree this year?

Maybe it’s my profession, but I have heard waaay more women adding fitness equipment to their wish-list in 2020.

Treadmill, spin bike, adjustable weights, heavier dumbbells, workout bench, and Lululemon anything (well Lululemon seemed to always be on the wish-list despite not being that committed to exercise in years past…lol).

If you’re struggling to decide what fitness equipment is worth putting on your wish-list, you will want to check out my “Is It Worth-It Fitness Equipment List” PDF resource.

  • Learn which fitness equipment you actually need and would benefit from having.

  • Best choices of fitness equipment for ANY BUDGET.

  • What to look for (and avoid) when buying that fitness equipment.

  • What At-Home Cardio equipment is worth the investment.

Click here to see what’s on my “Is it Worth-it Fitness Equipment List” >>


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Blog Post Author: Erica Willick

Erica is 15+year corporate leader, CPA CA, and 3x World Professional Fitness Champion. Erica helps working women eat better & exercise.

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