Core Workout with Dynamic Planks

CORE STRENGTH ….workout plan is below!

I got out of the habit of doing regular core exercises (insert shoulder shrug) and so set the intention to change that.

For the past 6 months, I’ve added regular core exercises to my workouts 4-5 times a week.

Core strength (or lack of) has a significant impact in most activities and overall body function.

When my core is in good shape, I run better, lift stronger and move with more confidence.

Core exercise is funny because it’s most effectively done 4-5x per week in short durations (i.e. 5min - 15min). I’ve included mini-core sessions as part of my overall conditioning or strength training programs at the start or end of my workouts.

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Planks and its million variations are my fav core exercises!

Last week, a new Guiness World Record for the longest plank by a female was set by Canadian Athlete Dana Glowacka - 4 hrs, 19 minutes and 55 seconds!

I’m not quite ready to challenge that record with my planks :) but in honour of the new world record here’s a killer plank workout guaranteed to challenge your core!


-No rest between exercises / Perform as a circuit 3-4x with 30-60 sec rest between the circuits

✅ 1) HIGH PLANK (hold for 30 seconds)

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✅ 2) DUMBBELL PLANK DRAG (10 each side)


✅ 3) DYNAMIC PLANK ROTATIONS (10 each side)

-Start in a high left side plank; put right elbow down, then put left elbow down; push back up to straight arm on right side, and straight arm on left side; rotate body to the right side plank

-I repeat in my mind as I go through this: side plank, down-down, up-up, rotate side plank, down-down, up-up, rotate side plank


✅ 4) SIDE PLANK RAISE WITH DUMBBELL (10 reps, then switch to other side and repeat)

-Keep dumbbell weight light! 3-5lbs will do…remember this is core work focus!


✅ 5) PLANK SHOULDER TAPS (10 taps each side)

-Try and keep hips square with little movement side-to-side…it’s challenging!


Rest 30 seconds and perform each exercise in the circuit for a total of 2-4 circuits.


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WorkoutsErica Willick