How To Actually Exercise in the Morning


Developing a habit to wake-up earlier to exercise isn’t easy but it is so worth it!

It truly is the little things that make a habit such setting up the coffee machine the night before and setting your workout clothes at the foot of your bed.

The trick to wake-up to exercise in the morning are ALLLL about the micro-habits that make the bigger habit of getting up early in the morning easier and more inevitable.

Yes, it IS tough for a week or two, but after that soooooo worth it!

How to Use these Morning Exercise Tools:

  1. Identify which area below you’re struggling with then listen to the short audio coaching and put into action the process/tactics for that area.  It will take you 20 minutes.

  2. Message Erica what you’re working on so that I can support you.

Struggle 1: “I convince myself that I’ll do my exercise later in the day, when in reality I’m not following through with that either.”
Struggle 2: “My mornings feel hectic, I’m either rushed or can’t seem to fit in exercise plus everything else that needs to happen in my mornings.”
Struggle 3: “I set my alarm, but can’t seem to get myself out of bed consistently.”
Struggle 4: “I am staying up too late with work, getting other things done, TV or puttering.  When it comes to wake-up in the morning it’s not really practical.”