Workout Finishers To End with a Sweat

Weight lifting has major benefits for women’s physique shape and health. Most often my clients need to INCREASE their weight training to reach their desired goal whether it’s fat loss or body tone.

The pace of weight lifting varies by session, but generally weight lifting has slower movements because the focus is on muscle engagement and lifting heavier with good form. That doesn’t always translate into an increased heart rate or a sweat (BUT, a challenging leg day will give you plenty of sweat!!)

Leaving your workout sweaty 💦 gives you not only a sense of accomplishment, sweating during exercise translates into a number of health benefits including:

  • boosting energy

  • improving mood

  • promoting good sleep

The Best of Both Worlds

To get the benefits of regular weight lifting and a good sweat, without adding an entire cardio session to your already limited time, I will include WORKOUT FINISHERS to the end of my client’s workouts. These 10-15 minute intense finishers after a focussed weight lifting session give an extra calorie burn, a good sweat, and a challenging push!

Try one of these Workout Finishers to end your next weight lifting session!



AMRAP = As Many Rounds As Possible

Complete the circuit as many times as you can in 4 mins, then rest for 60 secs. Repeat three times for a total of 14 minutes (12 minutes work, 60 rest between rounds). Keep weights light 5-10lbs dumbbells

1️⃣ Renegade row 20 reps > click for video

2️⃣ Squat to overhead press 10 reps > click for video

3️⃣Dumbbell burpee to overhead press 5 reps > click for video

Repeat 3 times.

Source: Women’s Health


This finisher uses an EMOM format – Every Minute On the Minute – so the harder you work, the more time you have to rest. You have 60 secs to complete each of the tasks, alternating kettlebell swings on even minutes and chest-to-floor burpees on odd minutes for 10 mins in total. 1. 2.

1️⃣ Kettlebell swing Do: 32 reps on even minutes > click for video

2️⃣ Chest-to-floor burpee Do: 12 reps on odd minutes > click for video

Source: Women’s Health


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WorkoutsErica Willick