From Eating Disorder to Discovering Her Own Brand of Beautiful



Crystal had known for a long time that she wanted to get back to fitness and feeling like herself once and for all. A self-proclaimed yo-yo dieter, she was always trying to find the quickest way to get to where she wanted to be with no regard for the healthiest approach. She even went through a difficult period of time when she battled binge eating. A better approach was a must!

Like many women, Crystal is busy and finding time to fit in fitness was a struggle.  She has a husband, three kids, a full time job, and to top it all off was starting back full time at university. She knew she didn’t necessarily have the time to get fit, but she knew she needed to make time to take care of herself... So she did with Sisters in Shape!

Joining SiS not only helped Crystal reach her fitness and nutrition goals with a balanced approach that fit her busy lifestyle, but the most powerful benefit was embracing the knowledge that she is worth it and that she is beautiful just as she is. Crystal says...

There is no time she feels more beautiful and empowered than when she has just finished a workout.

Recognizing her hard work and her dedication to herself in a healthy way FINALLY makes her feel beautiful from the inside out.


Someone who suffered from an eating disorder may find it difficult to recognize how far they’ve come or see beyond the shell of what they used to see when they look in the mirror. For Crystal, it was key to find a sustainable approach and the support to accomplish it.  She can now see all her hard work and dedication and feels a sense of accomplishment for how far she has come.

For Crystal, she’s come to realize that she can be her own brand of beautiful and it’s truly amazing.

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Eat Better & Exercise
60-Day Challenge for Working Women

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