Posts tagged online fitness
Embracing Progress, Not Perfection

When Christie started her journey with Sisters in Shape, she had reached a point of wanting more in fitness and health. She was tired of trying to find balance and continue doing it all. She needed a group of women who would challenge me, inspire me, and empower me. "The transformation of my mind and how I approach life has been even more incredible than my physical transformation," says Christie. "I have embraced progress, not perfection. I have gained tools that help me to rock at everyday life."

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Challenging Myself in New Ways

Krista’s goals as a fitness mentor mirror the ones she has for herself; to find happiness, and to appropriately respond to challenges. The metaphorical equivalent of finding a window to climb through, when it seems like a door has been shut, and finding a little healthy self-improvement along with your self-acceptance. “Everyone has their weaknesses, areas where they struggle,” Krista says. “When I found out about my back, it was kind of a crisis--I really have to work on my posterior chain, more than most people--and after finding out I couldn’t deadlift heavy, I had to change my game.”

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Defining Success Beyond the Scale

Stephanie was one year into “maintaining” a 35lb weight loss when she began contemplating her next milestone. A former distance runner, Stephanie was looking for a challenge that would benefit her health and improve her physique, yet be easier on the joints. Her knees no longer could handle the impact of running; she needed a new primary form of exercise.

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