How to Ditch All-or-Nothing Mentality When You Get "Off-Track"

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Chances are you’ve missed at least one of your planned workout sessions AND not followed your healthy eating plans.

And it’s totally OK.

However, this becomes a problem when one missed workout and one “off-plan day” turns into two, then three, then an eventual cycle of guilt and shame until we drop off and give up completely.

In "all-or-nothing" thinking you are either a success or a failure. All-or-nothing thinking not only holds you back from achieving and trying things in your life, it also keeps you from what so many working woman desire… “Balance”.

You’re in all-or-nothing thinking when your performance is judged as totally good or totally bad. If you are not perfect, then you are a failure. This binary way of thinking does not account for shades of grey, and can be responsible for a great deal of negative evaluations of yourself.

And it keeps you continuously chasing some elusive version of wellness.

Wellbeing IS going for a 15 minute walk outside when your brain in fried at work. Wellbeing IS having a meal at your parent’s that is not “on the plan” and choosing more veggies and less bread as you enjoy your family. AND wellbeing is considering all of that a win (instead of a fail).

What to do when you’re “off track”:

1. Listen to the podcast in this post “How to Ditch All-Or Nothing Mentality”. Grab a cup of coffee, play on your commute to work, or put your ear buds in as you go out walk. Consider it a get-real coaching session.

2. Thank yourself for all the awesomeness you’ve already done.

3. Keep showing up for yourself.

I’ve experienced it.  Every working woman has or WILL experience it.

You’ll never be “perfect” in how you show up, but you showing up is where the magic happens.

Click here to listen!

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